Ad Formats Overview

Find out which display offerings are available across each website within the Sky Media portfolio.

Display (Standard and Rich Media) Video
Format Mobile banner 320×50 Leaderboard 728×90 Billboard 970×250 MPU 300×250 Double MPU 300×600 Billboard and MPU HPTO Billboard and Double MPU HPTO Superheader with skins Native Snapchat VAST VPAID
Websites Sky Sports Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Desktop only
Sky News Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Apps Sky Sports Yes Tablet only Yes Yes
Sky News Yes Yes Yes
Football Score Centre Yes Yes Yes

Third party tags and click through URLs

  • Sky Media does not accept third party click through urls that redirect to social media sites such as: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc
  • Sky Media does not accept Facebook Atlas tracking tags
  • Sky Media does not accept click through’s to entertainment sites such as Netflix, Amazon Prime, etc if Sky Cinema or Sky Store are showing or promoting the film
  • Sky Media does not accept Integral Ad Science blocking tags

We support the ‘Coalition for Better Ads’ initiative to create a better user experience on desktop and mobile web. As such, all our ad formats and creative specifications fall within and must adhere to the Better Ads Standards as defined here.

Our Sites

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