
This section covers all information on HPTO, standard display and snapchat.

For the Advertising Specifications for Sky AdVance please visit here

HPTO (HomePage Take Overs)

A Home Page Take Over refers to a ‘Take Over’ of all the ad spaces on a specified page for a specified amount of time.
These can either be run with an Skin + Standard Display formats or just Standard Display assets. The most efficient way to achieve this is via Skin assets. These are curated either by the client providing their own or the client providing assets that match the spec sheet below and the Ad Ops team turning them into Skin assets.
For full specifications and PSD templates please click here.
Wallpaper - InSkin

Skin Specs – for Sky Sports and Sky News

Desktop & Tablet asset dimensions in pixels:
Top: 2000×440
Left: 800×2000 (safe area 280×1300)
Left: 800×2000 (safe area 280×1300)
Background as image: 3600×2000
Background Colour Hex: e.g. #000000
Mobile asset dimensions in pixels:
Top: 640×240 (safe area 640×195)
Right: 148×1000 (safe area 148×720)
Right Scrolling: 148×1280 (safe area 148×960)

In-line Videos

You can also incorporate a video into the top banner.
  • Maximum autoplay video weight: 1.1MB
  • Autoplay video length: 0-15s
  • User initiated video length: Unlimited (30s recommended)


HPTO’s are possible across any of our sports pages, including:
  • Sky Sports Homepage
  • Sky Sports Football Homepage
  • Sky Sports Golf Homepage

InSkin Process

  • Reach out to dl-digitalops@sky.uk with assets matching the spec sheet above, as well as any click through URLs or trackers.
  • Ad Ops team build a Skin from those assets in 2-3 days and send preview links for client approval.


  • The delivery figures of a HPTO are dependent on a few of factors:
    • The selected webpage (some pages receive more traffic than others, SS Home Page: 1-12M imps and other pages: 500k-1M imps)
    • The dates over which the HPTO will be running
    • Whether all assets have been supplied and set up within the required timeframe
    • The sporting events that are running around the time of the HPTO


Display assets must also be supplied with Skins to ensure the client gets full ad autonomy over the site. SFVOD assets can also be supplied but are optional.
Required (Desktop, MWEB and app): 728×90*, 300×250, 320×50
Optional: 970×250* and 300×600
*These assets won’t appear simultaneously with the Skin asset, they will be displayed on platforms where the Skin cannot eg. Sky Sports App.
SFVOD: The usual 640×480 video specs would need to be provided.
Sky Media HPTO FAQs


Q: The spec sheet details text limitations on the left and right assets but the examples above have text on the left and right assets?
A: Sometimes text on the outskirts of the left and right assets can be cut off- depending on the size of the screen it is being viewed on. Most people shouldn’t have that issue; however, we advise people to incorporate text either to the top or bottom assets to rule it out completely. The choice is ultimately up to the client/advertiser.
Q: Can a HPTO only be achieved with Skins?
A: Skins are the most effective method of HPTO but not the only way. You can also run a HPTO with display assets only, the same principle of your ads being the only ones running on a specific page for a specific day still applies.
Q: Is it possible to run two different HPTOs on the same page if they have different geos?
A: Yes. Aside from selecting the page to run across, Geographic Targeting is the only other targeting you can apply to a HPTO.
Q: What formats can we send assets for a Skin build in?
A: Assets can either be sent as a JPG, GIF or PNG. We cannot accept PSDs as we don’t have the software to access the actual asset.
Q: Is there a “Safe Zone” spec to ensure text doesn’t get cut off of the Skins on Desktops of varying sizes?
A: For the Tablet & Mobile Skins, there is no “safe-zone” as the Skins are reactive meaning the content of a skin won’t be cut off depending on the size of the screen, however Desktop is not. If clients have content/writing within their Skin banners, these should be within the ‘safe zones’ of the banner to ensure they’re not cut off on Desktop screens with varying sizes.
Please continue to supply the Desktop Left and Right banners as 250×1000, just ensure any content / text exist is with the “safe zones” of 130×1000.

Standard Display

Standard display
Standard Display
Display assets can be supplied as one of the following and must match the dimensions listed in the table below:
  • .JPG
  • .PNG
  • .GIF
  • HTML5 Zip (one per size) – details on how to package here:
  • Redirect Tags
Creative Submission
Redirect Tags: Publisher or 3rd Party ad served allowed (JavaScript tags or image and anchor tags only, no I Frames).
Lead time: Approved and functionally correct final creative/tags must be supplied at least 5 working days before the go live date.
Ad Format
Dimensions (w x h)
Max File Size
Max File Size – Backup Image (GIF/JPG)
Max Animation Length
728 x 90 pixels
15 secs
970 x 250 pixels
Medium Rectangle (MPU)
300 x 250 pixels
Double MPU
300 x 600 pixels
Standard Skyscraper
120 x 600 pixels
Wide Skyscraper
160 x 600 pixels
Responsive Leaderboard
728 x 90 pixels
Responsive Banner
320 x 50 pixels
Responsive MPU
300 x 250 pixels
Sponsor Logo Desktop
120 x 60 pixels
Sponsor Logo Mobile
88 x 31 pixels


Snapchat offers brands the opportunity to place video ads alongside best-in-class editorial content
File Format
  • Max 1GB
  • Video: .MP4 or .MOV
  • 9:16 aspect ratio
  • Pixel Aspect Ratio (PAR): 1:1
  • Scaled proportionally to original asset
  • 3 to 180 seconds (if file size does not exceed 1 GB)
  • 30 seconds (if created in Snap Publisher)
  • If the video is less than 3 seconds, the video will be looped to meet the 3 second minimum.
Video Requirements
  • Brand name must match the paying advertiser whose products or services are being advertised
  • Brand name and headline must be added
  • Full screen and vertically formatted
  • Approved for viewing by a 13+ audience
  • If featuring your Sponsored Creative Tool, the Ad must include persistent branding and a graphic text overlay with actionable message, such as, “Unlock Lens” or a Campaign tagline
  • Advertiser-supplied brand name and headline for Single Image or Video ads running in between User Stories and in Our Stories
  • Client is responsible for obtaining appropriate licensing rights for fonts, emojis, and creative tools
  • Generic URLs/UTMs and IAB approved tags accepted.

We support the ‘Coalition for Better Ads’ initiative to create a better user experience on desktop and mobile web. As such, all our ad formats and creative specifications fall within and must adhere to the Better Ads Standards as defined here.

Our Sites

Please click on any of the sites below to open the link in a new window

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