Nerve and Celebrity Big Brother

Sparking talkability amongst Millennials

Mark Rosenegk, Managing Director at Silent Boom

The integration of Lionsgate film ‘Nerve’ was a great success for Celebrity Big Brother, demonstrating a seamless brand integration. The high-pressure challenges of ‘Nerve’ the film translated well to challenges for the housemates.

We launched the task just 2 days before the opening night of the film and successfully integrated the look and feel of the Nerve brand. This partnership demonstrates that, when executed well, promotional activity in Big Brother can enhance editorial and leverage for brand awareness in show.

Mark Rosenegk, Managing Director at Silent Boom

The integration of Lionsgate film ‘Nerve’ was a great success for Celebrity Big Brother, demonstrating a seamless brand integration. The high-pressure challenges of ‘Nerve’ the film translated well to challenges for the housemates.

We launched the task just 2 days before the opening night of the film and successfully integrated the look and feel of the Nerve brand. This partnership demonstrates that, when executed well, promotional activity in Big Brother can enhance editorial and leverage for brand awareness in show.

Nerve and Celebrity Big Brother

Sparking talkability amongst Millennials

To celebrate the release of the pulse-racing new film, ‘Nerve’, the leading entertainment company, Lionsgate, was looking to raise awareness and generate excitement amongst an ‘app-obsessed’ teen audience in the UK. The adrenaline-fueled thriller is based on an online dare game, in which people give participants anonymous dares for money, competing with each other to win a grand prize as the tasks get increasingly dangerous and lives are put at stake. For many films, word of mouth and engagement with social media is a key driver for the target audience, and ‘Nerve’ is no different. To ensure ‘talkability’, a platform was needed to reach a mass audience and showcase key themes within the film, to ultimately drive ticket sales in cinemas across the country.

Twitter Impressions
Competition Entries
Page Views


We all know young people are big users of social media, and therefore to truly engage with this audience, the use of a social platform was key within the campaign. Furthermore, reports show that 74% millennials, particularly 14 to 17-year-olds, regularly use smartphones during TV viewing*. A programme was needed to unite the target demographic by driving social media conversations.

Since its launch, Celebrity Big Brother has been the most talked about TV programme on Twitter, topping the Instar Social leader board as Twitter’s most-talked-about TV show during the 29 day series. Offering a strong teen audience on-air and mass social following online, Celebrity Big Brother provided the perfect platform for the ‘Nerve’ film launch.

**research source-


To fully immerse ‘Nerve’ within the programming content and tap into the existing mass audience on-air and on social media, Channel 5 created a bespoke editorial ‘task’ to debut live on Celebrity Big Brother. ‘The ‘Nerve’ Big Brother task was to be broadcast on-air for celebrity housemates to complete in the lead-up to the release of the film, to encourage ‘talkability’. Active participation would be encouraged with viewers via Twitter, calling on them to submit their ‘dares’ for the housemates to complete, driving social conversation and allowing them to be truly integrated within the programme itself. This would be supported by additional customised tweets to drive viewers to the Channel 5 website whereby a branded hub would be hosted with a ‘Nerve’ themed competition to further drive active participation with the brand.


The ‘Nerve Centre’ was designed, created and executed in the Big Brother house in the week leading up to the launch date of the film on the 11th August 2016. Both the content within the task and the visuals reflected the film’s narrative to highlight key themes such as ‘Dare’ and’ ‘Win’.   As per the task element of Big Brother, celebrity housemates became the ‘players’ and entered the branded room and completed the dare tasks tweeted to the show from viewers via twitter.

To reflect the narrative within the film and enhance the partnership, players were asked if they had ‘the nerve’ before completing each task, and relevant words from the film trailer including ‘fear’ and ‘dare’ were integrated into the show’s set as a form of product placement. Supporting this product placement, custom-made ‘nerve’ commercials were produced to strategically top and tail breaks in order to encourage viewers to visit the Channel 5 website to enter an exclusive ‘Nerve’ competition to win cash prizes.



  • Over 60,000 impressions for each of the two C5 tweets
  • Over 1,169 competition entrants
  • Over 4,500 page views


“The integration of Lionsgate film ‘Nerve’ was a great success for Celebrity Big Brother, demonstrating a seamless brand integration. The high-pressure challenges of ‘Nerve’ the film translated well to challenges for the housemates. We launched the task just 2 days before the opening night of the film and successfully integrated the look and feel of the Nerve brand. This partnership demonstrates that, when executed well, promotional activity in Big Brother can enhance editorial and leverage for brand awareness in show.”


Mark Rosenegk, Managing Director at Silent Boom

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