Persil - 'Dirt Is Good' Project

Sponsorship on Sky Nature

Sponsorship on Sky Nature

Persil has always supported parents on their journey of raising children, no matter how messy the process! We know that young children want to act on social and environmental causes, and our role is to empower them and inspire families to act on these issues which are important to them. Our strong views on sustainability aligns perfectly with Sky’s commitment to a better future, so we were delighted to partner with Sky Media and Sky Nature to reach the right households to drive positive behavioural change and increase resonance with our core audience.”

Karen Lewis, Marketing Manager at Persil

Branded Content and Sponsorship on Sky Nature

Persil ‘Dirt is Good’ Project

of respondents said that the association between Sky Nature and Persil made them more likely to think of buying Persil
impacts across Sky's linear channels and 9.1 million across VOD
of parents said they would sign their children up to Persil's Dirt Is Good Project

The Challenge

Persil is committed to the belief that Dirt is Good, inspiring families to embrace dirt as a fundamental symbol of childhood development. In the year of COP26, Persil wanted to use it’s platform to reinforce positive behavioural change amongst parents and children to take action on climate change. As part of their commitment to make change happen, Persil launched new packs that were 100% recyclable, made with 50% recycled plastic and a new liquid formulation that includes plant-based stain removers. All they needed was a credible partner to amplify their message and increase resonance with their core audience.

The Idea

With Sky’s eco-credentials, it was a no brainer to pair Persil up with Sky Nature for its first licensing agreement. Research revealed that amongst children there was a gap between intention and action to make real change, and to overcome this, our future generation needed to see children, like themselves, empowered to make a difference. 

The ‘Changemakers’ short film series, fronted by family favourite Ashley Banjo, celebrated three young changemakers showcasing a range of different causes that young people can get involved with and highlighting that everyone can play a role. 

The Plan

Each 5 minute film was told from the perspective of a young changemaker and demonstrated that taking simple actions on environmental issues, rolling up your sleeves to get ‘dirty for good’, can make a huge difference to individuals and their communities. 

The content was aired on Sky’s TV, VOD and YouTube platforms with Sky Nature (a natural home for the partnership) transmitting the series 136 times in between programming following a bespoke Sky Nature presents intro to capture the audiences’ attention. 

Then, we created a robust media plan to really work the campaign assets; to drive fame, engagement and encouraged viewers to watch the series’ full-length episodes on On Demand platforms:

  • Three 30 second adverts were produced to promote the content on linear and addressable TV channels (targeting eco-conscious families) 
  • A 60 second cutdown was used for Sky’s Facebook channels
  • And, Sky’s AdVance technology was tactically deployed during the second and third creative phases of the campaign to retarget those who had viewed the first (or second) creative to reinforce the message in a digital environment.
The Results

The Changemaker partnership delivered real impact and engagement. It generated 89 million impacts across Sky’s linear channels and 9.1 million across VOD, reaching 1.4 million eco-conscious families using Addressable targeting via Adsmart from Sky.

Persil hit the category’s #1 spot for top-of-mind awareness and improved overall brand perception, notably that Persil is inspiring others to improve the environment. An increase in interest, comprehension, and positivity all helped position Persil as the leading brand to help tackle climate change behaviour in the detergent space, by encouraging kids to get outside and embrace Dirt for Good.

A brand study conducted by Sky Media’s Insight team revealed that over a third of respondents (34%) said the Sky Nature/Persil association made them more likely to think of buying a Persil product. And on the key metric of driving sustainable actions, the campaign really delivered, with 27% of parents saying that they would sign their children up to Persil’s Dirt is Good Project.

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