Sky Media and Jacamo

Jacamo 'Own Your Moment'

Jacamo 'Own Your Moment'

Our targeted, audience-led channel approach enabled us to tap into highly contextual programming across the consumer journey of the sports fan, giving Jacamo a unique and credible voice amongst our target audience. Using recognisable, inspirational talent drove brand salience and favourability in a highly competitive media landscape.

Kenyatte Nelson, Chief Brand Officer at Jacamo

Sky Media and Jacamo

Jacamo ‘Own Your Moment’

Jacamo wanted to create a campaign that would change its perception in the market, connect with ALL men on a deeper level and build long-term brand loyalty with its customers. Research had shown that with Jacamo’s target audience, sport was a key passion point, meaning that Sky Sports would be the perfect teammate. We therefore created a multi-platform campaign across linear, On Demand, sponsorship, digital and social that leveraged the passion of football, cricket and rugby and reached a huge audience of 690,000 men aged 16-34.

Men1634s reached by the sponsorship
Increase in likeability for the brand
Increase in consideration of the brand


Typically perceived as an unfashionable plus-sized male clothing specialist, Jacamo came to Sky Media wanting to promote its full range of products, suitable for a diverse range of fashion-interested men and in turn change its perception in the market. Jacamo also wanted to build brand awareness amongst their core audience of men aged 25-44. What’s more, they wanted to create a campaign that would “own” sporting moments across the summer period in order to connect with “everyday” men on a deeper level. By partnering with aspirational sporting heroes, the aim was to drive the brand’s fashion credentials, build long-term loyalty with their customers and ultimately increase sales.


Sport is a key passion point amongst Jacamo’s target audience and through various research, they had identified football, rugby and cricket as the three highest rated sports. The research had also shown that their audience were receptive to the influence of “brand ambassadors”, but that the connection needed to be relevant, authentic and representative of diverse men in order to land effectively.

So, in 2019, in order to reach and resonate with their core demographic, we set out to help Jacamo align with their audiences’ biggest passion points and ‘own’ sporting moments across the summer period. With Sky Sports perfectly poised to help, we recruited brand ambassadors from football, cricket and rugby that were not only recognisable, but more importantly authentic, diverse, relatable and able to discuss how in their careers, they have ‘owned their moment’. The cherry-picked fashion-credible talent included big names such as​ Adebayo Akinfenwa, Michail Antonio, James Anderson, Courtney Lawes and James Haskell. ​


The plan was to create a multi-platform campaign, spanning linear, On Demand, sponsorship, digital and social with a focus on three key sports: football, cricket and rugby. ​Stylised short-form content and TV ads featured the key sporting personalities in a ‘Talking Heads’ style, clothed in Jacamo, passionately speaking about their own sporting careers, fashion and what “owning their moment” meant to them. ​

To kick off the campaign, the respective TVCs were placed around contextual programming relevant to each of the three sports to help drive awareness in an environment that would be a natural fit; for instance, the ad that featured Wycombe Wanderers striker Adebayo was placed around Premier League content.

To drive engagement and direct viewers to the short-form content, viewers could also watch each piece by simply clicking the Red Button on their Sky remote, linking to the content on the EPG.​ In addition, Sky Go live sport 6-second pre-rolls allowed engagement with men on the go. Home Page takeovers and native articles on drove users to Jacamo’s website and Sky AdVance was used to then retarget those who had been exposed to the content to reinforce the message.

To push this campaign over the line and ‘own the sporting moments’ during this period, Jacamo sponsored Sky Sports News 5-7pm from May-December, featuring idents in the same style as the rest of the creative. This further increased reach and frequency among Jacamo’s target audience creating a truly ‘always on’ campaign that is synonymous with Sport.


Both spontaneous and prompted brand awareness saw significant uplifts as a result of exposure and recall, +12pp and +13pp respectively and respondents were not only more aware but became more engaged with the brand, with those who recalled the partnership feeling more familiar (+27pp) and more knowledgeable (+31pp) about Jacamo. Further results saw:

Brand Building

  • Positive brand image statements improve by +21pp
  • 28pp increase in brand likeability with 3 in 4 who recalled the campaign liking the brand
  • 27pp increase in brand consideration
  • 25pp increase in brand advocacy

Reach & Engagement

  • 690k Men 1634s reached by the sponsorship​
  • 1m impressions on Sky Go Linear with 0.42% CTR and 5.5m impressions via AdVance with 0.19% CTR
  • 3,380 downloads of the branded content on the Sky EPG
  • 47,344 views and 1.25m impressions of the Native articles


Our targeted, audience-led channel approach enabled us to tap into highly contextual programming across the consumer journey of the sports fan, giving Jacamo a unique and credible voice amongst our target audience. Using recognisable, inspirational talent drove brand salience and favourability in a highly competitive media landscape.

Kenyatte Nelson, Chief Brand Officer at Jacamo

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