Swoon and Sky Media

A Shared Reward Partnership
for the Home [and Results] Obsessed

With established success in other media formats since 2012, TV was new territory for us, and we were fortunate to partner with Sky. Their planning and segmentation capabilities meant we were able to deliver the level of results important for young DTC brands like Swoon, whilst also representing our brand in a way we’re proud of.”

Debbie Williamson, Chief Creative Officer

Swoon and Sky Media

A Shared Reward Partnership for the Home [and Results] Obsessed

Online furniture brand Swoon wanted to scale their business with TV, but traditional TV would be too expensive and too slow to deliver sales metrics for a digitally-obsessed business. Sky Media offered to share the risk, with payment on results, and a high-quality performance-driven plan that smashed Swoon’s sales targets.

return on advertising spend in it's first 4 weeks on air
response rate in the first two months v industry standard
average basket value and average cost per sale of £100


Swoon had broken the traditional furniture model, and now they wanted to break into TV.

Since launching in 2012, digital direct-to-consumer (DTC) brand Swoon had shaken up the furniture market, with a streamlined business model that allowed them to offer high quality, designed products at affordable prices. Existing marketing channels had driven a compound annual growth rate of 100% and TV was untested.

TV was the perfect channel to reach Swoon’s ‘home obsessed’ audience, but they couldn’t just sit back and push the button. As a young, digitally native brand, they needed to deliver hard sales results whilst staying true to their premium brand positioning.


A shared reward Sky partnership, that wouldn’t break the bank

When Swoon approached Sky Media, we knew we could be the perfect TV partner. With Sky’s premium product central to the living room, a customer base that buys and spends 6.4 more than the average person on furniture and homewares, and a lower entry cost than the other broadcasters, we could reach Swoon’s ‘home obsessed’ audience without breaking the bank.

But a true partnership is more than transactional, so Sky proposed to take on some of the risk, enabling Swoon to pay a portion of the media cost upfront, with the rest being paid on sales results with our Shared Reward trading agreement.

For our new partnership, we couldn’t rely on the old world of direct response advertising. Swoon’s ‘home obsessed’ audience were younger, more urban and more selective in their TV choices, and direct response TV was more saturated than ever before.

So, our Performance Solutions team set out to build a plan that would drive sales without compromising on quality, through tracking and optimisation.


A Performance TV plan with digital metrics, that broke the direct response mould

We built a linear plan targeting a 16-54 audience, but rather than just focusing on the cheapest daytime airtime, we planned airtime across every genre, 144 channels, all dayparts and every day of the week. This enabled Swoon to be in premium TV content at market-beating prices.

We worked with TV Squared to build an attribution model that tagged the retailer’s website and created a baseline that could isolate the impact of TV spots, by eliminating the company’s existing performance attributable to other media channels. With access to Swoon’s web hits and sales figures we monitored the relative responsiveness of different types of airtime and optimised based on timing, day, date and most importantly value of sales.


Sales smashed Sky’s benchmarks, and the client has re-signed for a longer-term partnership. Not only was this Sky Media’s most successful Shared Reward campaign ever, it exceeded Swoon’s performance criteria with:

  • A ROAS (return on advertising spend) of 4.8 in its first 4 weeks on air!
  • 144% response rate in the first two months vs. an industry standard of 0.05% (29 x better!!)
  • An average basket value of £469 and average cost per sale of £100, beating company targets for the campaign

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