GREAT! movies action

GREAT! movies action allows brands access to high-octane action targeted primarily towards a male audience.

GREAT! movies action is the no-holds barred movie channel that takes on all-comers and rarely leaves without a fight, providing brands with access to the free-to-air home of high-octane action.

In the pursuit of no-holds-barred, high-octane thrills, GREAT! movies action is leading the charge. With films that transport viewers from their sofa to the heart of the action, GREAT! movies action is the perfect channel for cinematic thrill-seekers and entertainment adrenaline junkies.

The home of action icons such as John Wayne, Robert Mitchum, Jean-Claude Van Damme, and Dolph Lundgren, GREAT! movies action is targeted primarily towards a male audience, providing an attractive advertising prospect.

Top films include

3:10 To Yuma

Kidnapping Mr Heineken

Kill ‘Em All

Missionary Man


The Undefeated

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