Sky Documentaries

Get the story behind the story… Sky Documentaries is the home of world-class, real-life stories from award-winning film makers, including HBO, SHOWTIME® and Hulu exclusives as well as new Sky original documentaries.

With a mix of feature-length documentaries and series that will challenge, provoke and entertain, the channel will house 100+ on demand titles. Advertisers have the opportunity to see their brands situated amongst a plethora of topics from sport, to politics, to real-life controversies.

Advertisers can also experience a multi-platform approach, which allows campaigns to connect with audiences across a number of different touch-points. Examples including Sponsorship & Activation, Product Placement, VOD or digital offerings that can be tailored to meet different objectives, demands and budgets, which enable brands a 360-degree approach to advertising with the channel.

Top shows include


Ghislaine Maxwell: Epstein’s Shadow

Liverpool Narcos

Chernobyl: The Lost Tapes

Devil’s Advocate

Mother Teresa

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