GREAT! movies classic

GREAT! movies classic allows brands to associate with iconic cinema from the Golden Age of Hollywood to contemporary classics, opening up possibilities for brands to reach an older target audience.

GREAT! movies classic is celebrating the very best of cinema and movie-making from the 40s to the noughties, featuring iconic cinema from the Golden Age of Hollywood to contemporary classics, opening up possibilities for brands to reach an older target audience.

Bringing the sweet scent of an old movie theatre to your living room, GREAT! movies classic features everything from old-school greats to modern masterpieces. Undeniably nostalgic, and effortlessly timeless; tune in for some of the greatest films ever committed to celluloid, and the biggest faces ever to grace our screens.

Top films include

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Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner

Our Man In Havana


The Day of the Jackal

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