Zee TV

Zee TV is the flagship channel of Zee Network

With a reach of more than 173 countries and access to 1+ Billion viewers globally, Zee TV has created a strong brand equity and is the largest media franchise serving the South Asian Diaspora. Zee TV’s content library delivers a variety of choices for the South Asian audience ranging from non-fiction formats that celebrate the talent of India’s common man to fiction shows that deliver strong messages and drive positive change in society while entertaining viewers.

Zee TV’s content resonates with its core ethos – ‘Aaj Likhenge Kal’ that aims to inspire viewers to take charge of their destinies giving wings to their dreams and aspirations.

Top shows include

Kumkum Bhagya

Kundali Bhagya

Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai


Guddan Tumse Na Ho Payega

Happu Ki Ultan Paltan

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