Own the MTV Network

Sponsorship Opportunity

The Opportunity

Through our dedication to find hard-to-reach audiences, wherever and however they wish to consume our content, we have amassed a huge fanbase across all platforms. On average we reach 51% of young adults every month.

In 2024, brands have an opportunity to partner with MTV across all key platforms; TV, VOD and Social.

This multiplatform opportunity enables your brand to reach 16-34s at scale and build a credible association with MTV.

The Content

  • Linear Sponsorship: Sponsorship credits will be transmitted daily across 5 MTV channels. From dating, to true crime and a daily dose of reality on MTV to non-stop music entertainment on our music channels. Your brand will be injected into programming that leans into themes we know that young adults love!
  • VOD Sponsorship: Your brand will become MTV’s exclusive on-demand partner, sponsoring all our content available on catch up. From brand new All Star Shore to Teen Mom and Celeb Ex on the Beach this element gives brands an ‘always on’ presence on a prominent platform for young adults
  • Social: We’ll integrate your brand into MTV’s existing social content – from pop culture updates to what’s hot in the world of celebrities!
The Benefits
  • The partnership guarantees that the sponsor will be seen by Millennials and Gen Z every day of the week
  • Reach a ‘hard-to-reach’ audience:
    • 58% of our on-demand viewers are under the age of 35
    • MTV linear channels index at i143 vs 1634s
    • On social media we deliver an average of 214M views monthly
  • Reach the audience as they engage with content produced specifically for them across whatever platform they use.
Partnership Overview
  • We’ll inject your brand into our entertainment content throughout the year, across the full MTV network. The partnership will be delivered as follows:
    • Sponsorship across MTV Linear & VOD: Home to a huge choice of entertainment content, brands will be able to drive awareness through sponsorship of our linear and on-demand channels
    • Social Integration: Our partner will be integrated into MTV’s existing celeb and pop culture social content enabling them to reach a ready made youth audience
    • TV Activity: TVC to be delivered in Paramount’s airtime – 30” TVC copy could promote bespoke partnership spot or existing cop
Sponsorship and Social Detail

Linear & VOD

  • 12 Month Opportunity
  • Linear Accreditation:
  • MTV, MTV Music, MTV 80’s, MTV 90’s and MTV Hits:
    • 2 x 10”  and 6 x 5” idents per hour long show on MTV
    • 2 x 10”  and 2 x 5” per hour long show on MTV Music Channels
  • VOD Accreditation:
    • 3 x 10” idents pre, mid, post roll per show on TV VOD
    • 1 x 10” idents pre roll, 2 x 5” mid roll  per show on Sky Go

Monthly Social Deliverables

  • 2 x MTV pop culture/listicle updates per week (platforms may include in-feed, FB, IG, Twitter)
  • 1 x celeb updates + 2 x dark post celeb updates (platforms may include in-feed, FB, IG & Twitter)
  • Logo association across content
  • “In partnership with” brand tag across content
Contact Details

Emma Hunt | Paramount Partnerships Controller


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