Homethings is changing the way the world cleans. It’s bonkers that most cleaning products are 95% water packed in single-use plastic. Homethings makes innovative, tap water refillable eco cleaning products that make sense.  No need for customers to buy new water-filled plastic bottles every time they run out, they just refill using tap water and Homethings’ refill tabs. Again + again + again. 

Watch this video to hear about Homethings’ journey in the 2022 Sky Zero Footprint Fund

Watch Homethings’ TV ad below or read more about their campaign here.

We’re absolutely chuffed that the Sky Zero Footprint Fund shares our vision that shipping water around the world in single-use plastic bottles is bonkers. We’re grabbing the opportunity to get into the homes of millions more people through our first ever TV ad with both hands and can’t wait for the UK to rethink what’s under their sink. This is a game-changing step in the Homethings journey to change the way the world cleans.

Tim Keaveney – Founder, Homethings

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