The number 1 free sharing app, OLIO, allows users to find people that are giving away food and household items to their neighbours for free. It strives to fight waste, help the local community and save the planet!


Against the backdrop of one of the UK’s largest landfill sites, a chorus of children sing a haunting rendition of Louis Armstrong’s What a Wonderful World – encouraging people to share more and waste less.
Tessa Clarke, Co-founder & CEO of OLIO, commented: 
“We’re absolutely ecstatic to be a Sky Zero Footprint Fund Winner. At OLIO we firmly believe everyone can make a difference. It was billions of small actions that got us into the climate crisis in the first place, and so surely billions of small actions can help get us out. Working together with Hell Yeah! and Sky, we can’t wait to bring OLIO’s hard-hitting but empowering message into homes across the UK, and to unleash a clarion call that TV is uniquely placed to deliver.”
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