Launched by two Cheshire-based parents, Pura offers affordable, sustainable baby products. From eco-friendly nappies to flushable baby wipes, Pura helps people to take care of the planet as well as their family. 


Using a cast of “spokesbabies”, this ad encourages viewers to start a wipe revolution by switching to sustainable products; looking after their families and the planet. 


Guy Fennell, Pura CEO and founder, said:
“It’s no understatement to say that the whole Pura team is absolutely overjoyed to be selected as one of the five Sky Zero Footprint Fund winners! Pura was born to empower parents to make small changes that will, collectively, have a big environmental impact. Our win guarantees us reaching a mass audience via the formidable medium of TV, allowing us to inspire positive change and support the UK on its Net Zero mission.”
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